Calgary Infant Daycare – Meeting All Their Developmental Needs
At Lynnwood Learning Centre in Calgary, we understand the importance of providing a nurturing environment for our rapidly developing youngest attendees, aged 2 – 19 months. From age-appropriate activities to meals and nap time, we strive to provide an enriching environment that paves the foundation for creativity. Our infant area is designed to support and promote the infant’s emotional and physical well-being, stimulate their senses, and challenge their motor skills. Our learning through play philosophy allows infants to explore the world around them based on their interests and needs. Every day our infants engage in many hands-on activities, encouraging them to explore, inquire and discover solutions by themselves.
Things We Provide
- Crib (for infants under 12 months)
- Napping cots
- Sheets for cots
- Homo-milk
- Fresh meals prepared by our on-site cook daily
- Breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack
- Child-sized furniture
- Daily reports (paper slips)
Activities We Do
- Painting
- Water play
- Sand play
- Alternative lighting play
- Circle time (this is more about introducing the idea of a time for learning, so the children are prepared for when they are older)
- Learning the alphabet
- Learning basic numbers
- Singing songs
Ready to register your infant? Contact us today!